

Urban Water Station


Urban Water Station

Woosh Water provides clean and refreshing cold water in urban and public spaces using a purification technology which provides the highest purifying level (3000 times more than chlorine).
The stations promote the use of reusable bottles to reduce the consumption of plastic bottles by cleaning and disinfecting bottles before refilling them.

The challenge was to design a simple, clear, recognizable and intuitive stations that can be easily integrated in any urban space. The “open” form of the stations was designed to invite people to use station. The filling and cleaning area was designed to support different types of bottles while the stations were designed to be accessible for all types of public users such as: children, elderly and the physically challenged. In addition, the stations were designed to be robust and vandal resistant.
Designed while at I2D.




Good Design Award – 2013

A4 for GOOD DESIGN landscape copy1
woosh2 960
side 960
tel aviv port cropped 1920

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